I finished my semester exam on friday, which means semester holiday started...shud be happy, but now im wondering whether i shud hate it or not..
Friday afternoon, right after i finished my exam, i went to Pulau Tikus DAP service center..

Wait..Im here to emphasis im
so, y i go there? I was 'invited' and asked by my aunt to do sum calligraphy thing as the next day was the opening of the service centre..how can i reject my aunt? so i went. No i rushed dere. Kh drop me there...thx
So, dis is the calligraphy..

i was so damm bored b cause i noe no 1 dere.. den i hav to wait n wait 4 sum1 to fetch me home.. and the DAP service team had some meeting n ceremony dat nite..wait wait......
But i did sum helping..although not much as i can do..
DAt nite, they were just doing some simple 'ceremony' to "Mansuhkan ISA"

Candles were lit all around the service centre compond

I was helping

Candles lit symbolic object in a peacefull way
YB Koay Teng Hai - ADUN NEGERI of Pulau Tikus, my uncle too,haha!
Some cute pics where u cant c in most YBsss,hehe..
I was invited to attend the opening next day..yaya..anyway, i went to help out, early b4 the opening ceremony..lets look around the service centre 1st..
flyers to be distributed
a board full of invitation cards
tons of flowers
banner 2
banner 3
banner 4- the mouse are the symbol of the particular service team
Its Pulau Tikus(老鼠岛) ok..
3 young, medium n old mouse represent- Hope, Justice and Harmony
haha!!my calligraphy at the centre of the stage!!
火箭娃娃key chain
when i reach dere abt 10pm already, so register as a working committee
Fooling around while registering
Im a working committee
breakfast-phaik see n hean Hong (YB's son 1, cousin)
Hean Hooi(YB's son 2,cousin)
Everi 1 was so busy dat morning..
Camera Man
Phaik see
Phaik see 2-sampat
Jin Yan-wad kind of pose is dis?
Jin Yan 2
Can anybody tell me wad are dey doing?
the MC
Super busy lady-YB's wife, aunt
The press
Before the ceremony started, the YBssss arrived, shook hands wif dem, dey are so friendly

Me & YB Lau Chin Tong

Me & YB Jeff Ooi

YB Chong Eng
Me & YB 郑雨周

Me & YB Koay Teng Hai
The ceremony started when Chief Misnister YB Lim Guan Eng arrived..


Opening ceremony

Im asked to pass the sourvinier to YB Koay for CM YB Lim Guan Eng

CM & YB Koay family

CM in NTV 7 press conference

Working committe
At last - lunch, not feeling well after dat
I rushed home afterdat, fetch my sis to tuition, fetch her home and rushed to work.. Dats the end of my satuday..
Sunday, went to work, swimming and dinner, rushed here n dere..so tired..
Monday morning, woke up by mum early in the morning, take grandma to c doctor, fetch her to market, rushed back &......
I wonder i can 'enjoy' my holidays now..haih..happy holidays..